Durham High School

Durham High School is a leading Independent Day School providing a lively, friendly and caring community for girls aged 3 - 18.

Durham High School

Durham High School

Farewell Hall,
South Road,
Durham, DH1 3TB

9:00AM - 5:00PM



0191 384 3226

Durham High School is unique as the only girls’ school in County Durham. Its distinctiveness also stems from being an all-through school, educating pupils from Nursery through to the Sixth Form on one site. This is a great asset and one that is obvious to visitors who also comment on the warm, friendly atmosphere.

Inclusivity and mutual respect are qualities integral to what makes Durham High School the exceptional place that it is. Our pastoral care is exemplary; our young people feel secure as members of a happy and compassionate community, each knowing they are valued for their own talents and individuality.

Pupils who are educated in pastorally supportive environments thrive; they are more likely to fulfil their academic potential and to develop their emotional intelligence.

As the headteacher of a school in Durham, I know our reputation for academic success is wholly justified and our academic achievements speak for themselves. As experts in the teaching of girls, we know how they learn and we provide the stimulating and supportive environment in which they can flourish.

At Durham High, our pupils enjoy their academic studies and the challenges with which they are presented; they like the fact that it’s ‘cool’ to try hard and all have high aspirations. Small classes and committed staff are also crucial to success and each is assured of individual support.

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